There are two schools of thought on First Look Photos; the traditional and the non-traditional, both of which are absolutely fine! If your soon to be spouse does not want to see you before the wedding – fair enough – you may not want to include First Look photos as a part of your wedding day. Although, if you’re considering carving out a bit of time for a First Look photo shoot, consider the following: a lot of time and preparation goes into getting ready for one's wedding. Why not set aside a bit of time to enjoy the first time you see your soon to be spouse?
2017 Weddings: Book Now to Save
The winter holiday season is always an exciting one: full of love, laughter, and a few engagements! If you’re looking “to get hitched” in 2017, be sure to reserve your date and book before January 15th for the 2016 rates! E-mail Melanie for details: