When Walter first reached out about a family photo for the “M” Family - as I shall call them in this blog post - I knew we would have a great time working together. His family has been coming to Bermuda for several years and The Reefs is one of their favorite spots!
Portrait: K & Family - Rosewood Bermuda
I had a great time working with K and her family at Rosewood Bermuda’s Hotel and the Beach Club!
Portrait: J & Family - Grotto Bay Resort
J & Family at Grotto Bay Resort in Bermuda
Portrait: L & Family - Frick's Beach in Tucker's Town Bermuda
Portrait: F & Family - Cooper's Island
When Frank first reached out through my website he said, “We have a mutual friend in common”. To my surprise, his son was the college roommate of my good friend’s husband. Even more of a surprise connection: one of the ladies in the group - Frank’s daughter-in-law - used to teach with my Aunt in Tawneytown, Maryland. Small world! Needless to say, we talked and laughed the whole time!
Portrait: The S Family - Waterville Historic House
Waterville is the “headquarters” of the Bermuda National Trust, an amazing organization dedicated to preserving the island’s historic sites.
Portrait: Claire, Matt, & Family - Flatts Village
After capturing Claire & Matt’s wedding and their maternity photos, I was thrilled to meet and photograph little Henry with his folks, auntie, grandparents, and his great grandparents in Flatts Village.
Portrait: K & Family - Warwick Long Bay & Jobson's Cove